Saturday 8 June 2013

Ugh, Old People.

Ugh. That's all I can say. I mean just cause your 104 and your Mum dicscovered fire does not excuse you to dress like a colour blind blob. I see plenty of older people who look great and then you see the other ones who dress in baggy food stained t shirts and maturnity pants. Please my babies retain some class in your old age and atleast attempted to not make gravy stains a large part of your 'look'. And I get it you lived during the reign of Genghis Khan but respect is earned not your right, don't you dare look us up and down because we aren't covering our anlkles like they did when you were only an egg lying in your nest waiting to evolve beyond fur and for the birth of Jesus. And being a bitch is for young people not you dinosaurs so calm your tits, your prehistoric lungs are producing dust. And to all the lovely pensioners carry on being wonderful, we love you xx

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes xx

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