Wednesday 5 June 2013

I'm Not Goth...

Everyone who has a darker dress sense understands how annoying it is to be called goth when we quite clearly are not so this post is a rundown of identifiers of goths.

1. Makeup

Goth makeup consists of lucious red lips for girls (black if they are grunge goth) pale foundation and heavy eye makeup for a dramatic effect. Easy to spot because, lets face it, they look like vampire wannabes.

2. Wardrobe

Goth wardrobe is very similar to Steampunk with a alot of black and a metallic look. Strange hairstyles are adopted and their clothes are there to match their 'black soul'

3. General Attitude

Real Goths will always give off goth vibes and will never say they are goths. People who say "I'm totally goth," or "I'm not emo I'm goth," are idiots and attention seekers who are using this phase as a way to get back at parents who left then emotionally unfufilled.

4. Goth vs Scene

If you are reading this and thinking "This is a load of bull, there is no mention of skinny jeans," please do a quicky internet search of scene vs goth as they are very different things.

Now you understand basic goth please refrain from calling scene/emo/sad kids goth as it is a pet peeve of mine.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

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