Monday 10 June 2013

Gothic Lolita

Gothic Lolita was a fashion movement that origanated in Japan in the 1990's based upon the idea of the cute goth. involving alot of ruffles and black it is very Victorian except a hell of alot sexier. Now sorry if you're reading this and don't think that gothic lolita isn't sexy and saying so is anti feminist but in my head is couldn't be cuter and depending on how you wear it it totally works. The basic gothic fashions such as dark eyeliner and heavy black boots are all there with the added accessories of a Victorian umbrella and ruffle skirts. Reminiscent of stereotypical schoolgirl Gothic Lolita is very cute but is borderline inappropriate. Please remember that this is based on a schoolgirl look and may attract the wrong kind of people to you, not that I don't think it looks amazing but I don't think that we're ready for it in this day and age.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

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