Thursday 6 June 2013

Summer Spending

Techniquely this is not a theme break as it still involves a sub culture. While further investigating Cyber Goth I came across the type of music they like and have to admit it is amazing, fufilling all my needs for sadnesss with the lyrics and all my dancing needs with the fast tempo and fun beat of the music. Cyber Goth just gets better and better and I'm seriously considering going out and investing in some neon paint and a couple more black jeans. Does anyone know anywhere I can buy a medical/gas mask in Edinburgh, Scotland? For a city we really are kinda shit for anything non mainstream. Four McDonalds per a street but searching for four hours to find any black leather or platforms. I swear I'm just waiting till I got a decent cash flow then I'm outa here straight down to London. Can't come soon enough. I mean have you ever heard of a rave in Scotland? No because they don't even know what a rave is here. Anyway back to the point. Cyber Goths have it all figured out and they are leading by example, can't wait to go out this summer with a wad of cash and invest in some freaky assed neon clothes. Well my eyes are going round in 360's so I'll keep you updated my lovelies xx

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

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