Tuesday 18 June 2013

Raver bitches!

Sorry babies, I've been busy with shit that I'm forced to do and problems I'm trying to figure out. Anyway new favourite fashion has to be raver! Who doesn't loved those neon covered party animals? Very retro with bright neon colours raver sums up the warped generation. Trashy, fun, and free spirited young. We're gonna fucked up the world worse than any generation before us and have fun while doing it! Live forever or die young my babies but show no mercy while doing it! For guys have the hair dyed a neon green or yellow and just you're usual gear splashed with brightness, throw in a pair of neon glasses and some glowsticks. For my lovely ladies out there trashy is best so tight and bright are the words to live by on this one! Wigs are completely acceptable but try to look like you're having fun not like you're working at Leith Docks and for those of you who don't know what that means just try not to look like a prostitute :) Above all else raving is about fun so don't be stressed about what you're wearing just throw back your head and laugh in ecstasy enduced delirium.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Callum Hughes Totally Weird Totally Awesome Playlist

1) I Know You Hate Me by Asphyxia
2) The Prettiest Star by David Bowie
3) Kathy's Song by Apoptyma Bezerk
4) They Call Me Big Mama by Big Mama Thornton
5) Monster by Panzer AG
6) Dead Enough For Life by Icon of Coil
7) Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
8) Shit List by L7
9) Self Deception by Asphxia
10) Cambodia by Apoptyma Bezerk
11) Filth God by Panzer AG
12) Ravers Fantasy by Tune Up
13) This Is My Rifle by CombiChrist

These are some of my favourite songs ever and are played on a daily basis. To hear them is to love them, to love them is to have earned my love.

Monday 10 June 2013

Gothic Lolita

Gothic Lolita was a fashion movement that origanated in Japan in the 1990's based upon the idea of the cute goth. involving alot of ruffles and black it is very Victorian except a hell of alot sexier. Now sorry if you're reading this and don't think that gothic lolita isn't sexy and saying so is anti feminist but in my head is couldn't be cuter and depending on how you wear it it totally works. The basic gothic fashions such as dark eyeliner and heavy black boots are all there with the added accessories of a Victorian umbrella and ruffle skirts. Reminiscent of stereotypical schoolgirl Gothic Lolita is very cute but is borderline inappropriate. Please remember that this is based on a schoolgirl look and may attract the wrong kind of people to you, not that I don't think it looks amazing but I don't think that we're ready for it in this day and age.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

Saturday 8 June 2013

Ugh, Old People.

Ugh. That's all I can say. I mean just cause your 104 and your Mum dicscovered fire does not excuse you to dress like a colour blind blob. I see plenty of older people who look great and then you see the other ones who dress in baggy food stained t shirts and maturnity pants. Please my babies retain some class in your old age and atleast attempted to not make gravy stains a large part of your 'look'. And I get it you lived during the reign of Genghis Khan but respect is earned not your right, don't you dare look us up and down because we aren't covering our anlkles like they did when you were only an egg lying in your nest waiting to evolve beyond fur and for the birth of Jesus. And being a bitch is for young people not you dinosaurs so calm your tits, your prehistoric lungs are producing dust. And to all the lovely pensioners carry on being wonderful, we love you xx

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes xx

Thursday 6 June 2013

Summer Spending

Techniquely this is not a theme break as it still involves a sub culture. While further investigating Cyber Goth I came across the type of music they like and have to admit it is amazing, fufilling all my needs for sadnesss with the lyrics and all my dancing needs with the fast tempo and fun beat of the music. Cyber Goth just gets better and better and I'm seriously considering going out and investing in some neon paint and a couple more black jeans. Does anyone know anywhere I can buy a medical/gas mask in Edinburgh, Scotland? For a city we really are kinda shit for anything non mainstream. Four McDonalds per a street but searching for four hours to find any black leather or platforms. I swear I'm just waiting till I got a decent cash flow then I'm outa here straight down to London. Can't come soon enough. I mean have you ever heard of a rave in Scotland? No because they don't even know what a rave is here. Anyway back to the point. Cyber Goths have it all figured out and they are leading by example, can't wait to go out this summer with a wad of cash and invest in some freaky assed neon clothes. Well my eyes are going round in 360's so I'll keep you updated my lovelies xx

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

Cyber Goth

Cyber Goth is my new favourite fashion movement! The bright neon colours contrasting with the black, the goggles and masks and the hair. Oh, the hair! Originating from the Graver movement Cyber Goth has elements of rave, goth and punk. Reminiscent of a Hardcore Scene cyber goths are some of the most exciting colourful and fun people you are likely to meet.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes xx

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Skater Look

Skaters have made their way into the hearts of the fashion empire and have once again been made mainstream. Well on their way to becoming the new hipster trend I will make as much of them as I can before those greedy parasites get their grip on them. Skull scarfs have come and gone my beauties and it's time to let them go but accesorise with a new favourite if mine skull braclets. For girls the skater look is hard to work so don't use it 24/7. Whoever said you needed to pick a look and stay with it? On your darker days grab a V-Neck T-Shirt with a skull print and combine it with black skinny jeans, relatively thick eyeliner and a bomber jacket (maybe throw in a hat to be different) and ta-dah you have achieved the skater girl look.

For boys the skater look is easy, with a pair of low hanging jeans, any short sleeved t-shirt and a beanie hat the look is achieved.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

I'm Not Goth...

Everyone who has a darker dress sense understands how annoying it is to be called goth when we quite clearly are not so this post is a rundown of identifiers of goths.

1. Makeup

Goth makeup consists of lucious red lips for girls (black if they are grunge goth) pale foundation and heavy eye makeup for a dramatic effect. Easy to spot because, lets face it, they look like vampire wannabes.

2. Wardrobe

Goth wardrobe is very similar to Steampunk with a alot of black and a metallic look. Strange hairstyles are adopted and their clothes are there to match their 'black soul'

3. General Attitude

Real Goths will always give off goth vibes and will never say they are goths. People who say "I'm totally goth," or "I'm not emo I'm goth," are idiots and attention seekers who are using this phase as a way to get back at parents who left then emotionally unfufilled.

4. Goth vs Scene

If you are reading this and thinking "This is a load of bull, there is no mention of skinny jeans," please do a quicky internet search of scene vs goth as they are very different things.

Now you understand basic goth please refrain from calling scene/emo/sad kids goth as it is a pet peeve of mine.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Colourful Hipster

First I would like to establish just how ashamed of myself I am that I currently like a hipster trend but I think it looks amazing so I felt I should share it. As we all know the current hipster epidemic has reached its height and one of their new looks is Rainbow Nerd (atleast thats what I'm calling it). Rainbow Nerd is taking sterotypical nerd clothes like bowties, cardigans and button up shirts and making then excessively bright shades of colours like red, blue, yellow, orange and purple. Personally my favourite so far is red jeans with a short sleaved yellow top and fake glasses worn with a brown belt and Gazelle's worn by a guy I saw,uptown on Friday while shopping for some white T-Shirts to print Hipster hate mail onto. Sadly I do not have the body to pull off this look (I hate being fat, it's shit) so I'm relying in you beautiful bitches to work it. For girls this isn't really working  the same so  try the Poncho look with a bright satchel. And sweeties try not to overdo the colours and end up looking like a multi coloured swap shop.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes

Steampunk Fashion

Can we all take a minute to appreciate how weird (and occasionally beautiful) Steampunk clothes are. Based upon literary works written during the Victorian age but set in the future, Steampunk is modern society but with Victorian values and still running on steam. Books like Stardust, Series of Unfortunate events and others of its genre (alot of Julius Verne) are classic examples of Steampunk literature. Involving a lot of leather the clothes were not designed for comfort but for beauty much as Victorian english fashion. For woman corsets and boots are totally in and classic victorian suits with a modern goth flair for guys, Steampunk involves alot of mechanic looks, such as gears, bolts and metal studs very reminisent of punk with a more formal tone to it, jewelary is gorgeous involving lots of small bugs and insects made from gears and such as, bees and butterflies are my personal favourites but there are endless possibilities. Please do not wear a top hat unless you are wearing only black/white/gray otherwise, it looks ridiculous (even for Steampunk) www.kinkyangel.co.uk has some awesome stuff so check it out.

Yours Till I'm Not,

Callum Hughes